
The Price of Impure Blood was promoted in Zenica

Following the highly successful promotion of the book The Price of Impure Blood: Cultural and Economic Aspects of Menstruation in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo, this very important work, which represents a pioneering step in exploring a topic often marginalized or silenced in Bosnian society, was presented in Zenica on Thursday, February 20.

The promotion of the publication, authored by Jasna Kovačević and Zilka Spahić Šiljak, took place at the Faculty of Law at the University of Zenica.

The book was published by the TPO Foundation and was created and published within the context of a society deeply rooted in patriarchal norms. The research offers a thorough analysis of menstruation—not only as a biological phenomenon but also as a social construct and an economic challenge.

Drawing on a wealth of data and critical thought, the authors open up space for dialogue on gender equality and menstrual poverty, shedding light on aspects that have long remained on the margins of academic and public discourse.

While menstruation is a universal experience, it is still shrouded in numerous taboos, superstitions, and stigmas.

The Price of Impure Blood represents a significant contribution to the academic and activist discourse on menstruation, gender equality, and economic inequalities, offering research insights that can serve as a foundation for social change. This book is essential reading for anyone who wishes to better understand the complexity of this issue and work towards removing the barriers that make daily life more difficult for women and girls.

Medijska promocija

  1. https://unze.ba/en/unigam/poziv-na-promociju-knjige-cijena-neciste-krvi-kulturni-i-ekonomski-aspekti-menstruacije-u-bih/
  2. https://www.zenicablog.com/cijena-neciste-krvi-kulturni-i-ekonomski-aspekti-menstruacije-u-bih-promocija-knjige-pravni-fakultet-cetvrtak-u-13-h/
  3. https://www.zenicablog.com/tag/cijena-neciste-krvi/
  4. https://zenicainfo.ba/2025/02/20/promovisano-djelo-cijena-neciste-krvi-kulturni-i-ekonomski-aspekti-menstruacije-u-bih/
  5. https://unze.ba/unigem/poziv-na-promociju-knjige-cijena-neciste-krvi-kulturni-i-ekonomski-aspekti-menstruacije-u-bih/
  6. https://www.zenit.ba/na-univerzitetu-u-zenici-promovirana-knjiga-o-menstrualnom-siromastvu/
  7. https://n1info.ba/kultura/na-univerzitetu-u-zenici-promovirana-knjiga-o-menstrualnom-siromastvu/
  8. https://federalna.ba/cijena-neciste-krvi-j8kwt