
In Sarajevo, the book The Price of Impure Blood: Unveiling the Stigma and Economic Challenges of Menstruation in Bosnia and Herzegovina was promoted

The book The Price of Impure Blood: Cultural and Economic Aspects of Menstruation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, authored by Jasna Kovačević and Zilka Spahić Šiljak and published by the TPO Foundation, was promoted on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, in a full hall at the Marriott Hotel in Sarajevo.

The promoters of the book were Prof. Dr. Amila Ždralović, Prof. Dr. Munira Šestić, and Prof. Dr. Zilka Spahić Šiljak.

As stated during the promotion, this publication marks a pioneering step in exploring a topic that is often marginalized or silenced in Bosnian society. The book was created and published within the context of a society deeply rooted in patriarchal norms. The research offers a comprehensive analysis of menstruation—not just as a biological phenomenon but also as a social construct and an economic challenge.

Drawing on a wealth of data and critical thought, the authors open the space for dialogue on gender equality and menstrual poverty, shedding light on aspects that have long remained on the margins of academic and public discourse. The publisher of this significant contribution to understanding the female experience is the TPO Foundation.

In addition to menstruation remaining a topic shrouded in silence, the book also points to systemic issues such as the lack of adequate hygiene facilities in schools and workplaces, the poor healthcare system, and the lack of education on menstrual health. The authors emphasize that social norms are a key factor in shaping the experience of menstruation and that stigma and shame are passed down through generations, further reinforcing gender inequalities.

The Price of Impure Blood represents a significant contribution to the academic and activist discourse on menstruation, gender equality, and economic inequalities, offering research insights that could serve as a foundation for social change.

Media promotion

  1. https://www.mreza-mira.net/vijesti/seminari-treninzi/poziv-na-promociju-knjige-cijena-neciste-krvi-kulturni-i-ekonomski-aspekti-menstruacije-u-bih/
  2. https://www.akta.ba/pauza/kultura-i-film/188235/cijena-neciste-krvi-kako-kulturni-i-ekonomski-faktori-oblikuju-percepciju-menstr?srsltid=AfmBOoqxtLLRwVRqmDdpeBCoCVfX40dHV4CX-WECjdqxftvRuE5OJAal
  3. https://n1info.ba/vijesti/bakic-spahic-siljak-i-huremovic-u-novom-danu/
  4. https://fakta.ba/cijena-neciste-krvi-razotkrivanje-stigme-i-ekonomskih-izazova-menstruacije-u-bih/
  5. https://impulsportal.net/vijesti/cijena-neciste-krvi-kako-kulturni-i-ekonomski-faktori-oblikuju-percepciju-menstruacije/
  6. https://www.mreza-mira.net/vijesti/clanci/cijena-neciste-krvi-razotkrivanje-stigme-i-ekonomskih-izazova-menstruacije-u-bih/
  7. https://n1info.ba/video/novi-dan/cijena-neciste-krvi-knjiga-o-menstrualnom-siromastvu/
  8. https://www.unsa.ba/novosti/u-sarajevu-promovirana-knjiga-cijena-neciste-krvi-razotkrivanje-stigme-i-ekonomskih-izazova