On March 28.2022 University Gender Resource Center (UNIGeRC) is ceremoniously opened at the University of Sarajevo, Center for Interdisciplinary studies „Professor dr. Zdravko Grebo“ with key note speakers: University rector, professor Rifat Škrijelj, Human Rights Center director professor Nedžad Korajlić, TPO Foundation director professor Zilka Spahić Šiljak, Council for gender equality coordinator professor Jasna Kovačević and UNIGeRC coordinator Jasmina Čaušević.
University rector, professor Rifat Škrijelj in his address pointed out the following: „I am thrilled that we are moving forward with gender equality promotion at the University of Sarajevo. Launching University gender resource center is a very significant step, not only for our university but also for regional efforts pertaining gender equality in higher education.“ He also added „that within our academic community we are building critical mass of teachers and students who are actively dedicated to gender equality… It is of vital importance to join our efforts and accomplish the planned activities. From my own experience, I know that every successfully implemented activity will yield new initiatives and actions in the field of gender equality. “
TPO Foundation director, professor Zilka Spahić Šiljak has explained that University gender resource center has been established within the University and gender mainstreaming project, which reflects the strategic orientation of universities to work on gender mainstreaming and secure safe space for teachers, administrative staff and students at universities in BiH and the region. UNIGEM project is supported by the Government of United Kingdom, and Northern Ireland, and its implementation is entrusted to TPO Foundation and 18 partner universities in BiH, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro.
Human Rights Center director professor Nedžad Korajlić reminded the audience that the Center has 8000 library units and for decades has been providing information and library support both to domestic and international researchers. Since gender equality is one of the key components of human rights, this center will continue working towards it.
Professor Jasna Kovačević, University council for gender equality coordinator said that today University of Sarajevo is positioning itself as a pioneer institution in gender equality promotion pawing the path for other universities in gender mainstreaming. I am glad we have an opportunity to strengthen cooperation with non-governmental and governmental sector with hope that UNIGeRC will become a „hub“ of good ideas which will build credibility of the University of Sarajevo in the region and globally.
Inaugural ceremony was ended with presentation of the newly designed website unigerc.unsa.ba. Its coordinator Jasmina Čaušević emphasized that together with the Center for interdisciplinary studies and Human Rights Center, UNIGeRC will provide education, produce knowledge with the rich documentation center that can help in gender-based violence prevention at universities.