As part of the “16 days of activism for gender equality” campaign of the UNIGEM project at the University of Tuzla (UNTZ), the promotion of the book by Ph.D. Zlatan Hrnčić entitled “Violence against pregnant women in Bosnia and Herzegovina” and the same-titled workshop was held, as well as the workshop of the famous BiH journalist Nikola Vučić on the understanding of masculinity and gender responsibility. On Friday, December 2, the UNTZ Council for Gender Equality, the Museum of Literature and Theatre Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Centre for Culture Tuzla, and the TPO Foundation organized the opening of the exhibition “Without Yourself – Everyday Drama in the Speech of Bosnian Women”. Until December 10, at the same time as the end of the Campaign, UNTZ will organize a range of other activities dedicated to the fight against violence.
The rich program marking the Campaign started on 30.11.2022. by promotion of the book of Ph.D. Zlatan Hrnčić under the title “Violence against pregnant women in Bosnia and Herzegovina – family, health system and labour relations” and the same-titled workshop of the same name. The book was written out of the need to hear the voice of BiH women and the problems they face in the family, within the health system, and in working relationships in the period of 12 months before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and 12 months after pregnancy, and in connection with violent behaviours that can be classified under physical, psychological, sexual and economic violence. The book deals with the prevalence, and characteristics of violence against pregnant women, the history of violence, family, marriage, and the institutional and legal environment. In addition to Ph.D. sc. Zlatan Hrnčić, numerous representatives of the academic community, the media, and male and female students, were addressed by prof. Ph.D. Jasmina Husanović and prof. Ph.D. Dženeta Omerdić in front of the UNTZ Council for Gender Equality.

The workshop on the understanding of masculinity and gender responsibility, based on his scientific research on this issue, was held by the famous BiH journalist Nikola Vučić and the author of the book “Critique of Toxic Masculinity” on 01.12.2022. at the Faculty of Philosophy of UNTZ. In the book, the author starts from the belief that a society of toxic masculinity, i.e. a society of male oppression and control over life processes, does not only have disastrous consequences for women’s lives but to an approximate extent also for men’s lives, where the dominance and rule of male-centric principles does not necessarily mean enjoyment of such order, as he tries to explain how men must also oppose the artificial and patriarchal normed roles that impose on men a pattern or model of behaviour called masculinity. In addition to Nikola Vučić, the present students and media representatives were also addressed by the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, prof. Ph.D. Nihada Delibegović Džanić and prof. Ph.D. Jasmina Husanović in front of the UNTZ Council for Gender Equality.

In the Atelier Ismet Mujezinović in Tuzla, from 02.12.2022. the exhibition “Without myself – the drama of everyday life in the speech of Bosnian women” by the author team Šejla Šehabović and Dejana Slavuljica was opened. The organizers of the exhibition are the Council for Gender Equality of the University of Tuzla, the Museum of Literature and Theatre Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Tuzla Culture Centre, and the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo.
Until the end of the campaign, “16 days of activism for gender equality” of the UNIGEM project, the University of Tuzla will also organize a campaign with high school students called “Just because I am a woman!” whose emphasis is on women’s solidarity and which will include 3 workshops, 1 joint promotion and video work, and an interactive workshop “Simulation of a trial on a case of gender-based violence”.