The University of East Sarajevo held three lectures and three workshops at the Faculty of Philosophy dedicated to marking the “16 Days of Activism for Gender Equality” campaign of the UNIGEM project, which the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo, in addition to this partner institution, is implementing together with 18 other universities in BiH and the region with the financial support of the United Kingdom Government, under the motto “Look, speak out against the violence”. The campaign, in the period from November 25th to December 10th, 2022, in addition to the general goal of raising public awareness of the need for active engagement in the fight against violence, emphasizes the importance of public discourse on the presence of gender-based violence in the academic community.

The lecture “Possibilities of applying interactive methods and techniques in the affirmation of gender equality in university teaching” was held on November 28th, 2022 by prof. Ph.D. Branka Kovačević. On the same day, the educational workshop “Respect diversity” was also held.

On November 30th, prof. Ph.D. Snježana Stanar held a lecture “Preventive and corrective role of the University in preventing psychological violence.” Furthermore a psychological workshop “Psychological violence is not my choice” was successfully held by prof. Ph.D. Nataša Kostić.

The lecture “Staka Skenderova and Adelina Irbi – leaders of gender equality in education” and the workshop “Gender equality in education” were conducted by prof. Ph.D. Daliborka Škipina on December 1st.