On Wednesday, April 19, 2023, a session of the Council for Gender Equality of the University of Sarajevo (UNSA) was held at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies. Prof. Dr. Jasna Kovačević, the Council’s coordinator, informed the present members about the activities implemented in the past period, including the Winter School “Gender and Globalization”, held in February 2023 in Sarajevo. According to student evaluations, this School was very successful – they positively evaluated both, the content of the School and the teaching staff. Now, students have to prepare their final papers […]
During March 2023, more precisely on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at theJosip Juraj Stossmayer University in Osijek and on Friday, March 31, 2023,at the Facutly of Law of the University of Zagreb promotions of the book “Violence against pregnant women in Bosnia and Herzegovina – family, health system and work relations” by Zlatan Hrnčić, PhD, were held. The following workshops that accompanied these promotions had the same name “Violence against pregnant women”. Students from both universities attended the promotion and actively participated in the discussion. Considering that this book scientifically[…]
“Understanding masculinity: how to develop gender equality” was the title of the workshop the well-known journalist from BiH Nikola Vučić held at eight universities, partners in the UNIGEM project, during the “16 Days of Activism” Campaign in 2022. Here is a video of one workshop, produced within the TPO Foundation’s educational cycle on gender equality, which is part of the UNIGEM Project (University and Gender Mainstreaming) that the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo currently implements in partnership with 19 universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia, supported by the[…]
On April 5 and 6, 2023, a gender equality workshop was organized at the Faculty of Criminology, Criminology and Security Studies for the deans and directors of the University of Sarajevo on the topic Gender-based harassment/violence: preventive and repressive mechanisms at the University of Sarajevo”. The lecturer was Prof. Dr Marija Lučić-Ćatić. The content of the workshop covered the following topics: what is gender-based harassment and gender-based violence, what preventive and investigative and repressive mechanisms exist at UNSA (how to report, relevant legal regulations and competent authorities). The workshop was[…]