Terms of Reference (TOR) for Analysis of Educational Activities undertakenby 19 Partner Universities within the UNIGEM Project

KOR 375-05-24-1Sarajevo, 05.05.2024 Terms of Reference (TOR) for Analysis of Educational Activities undertakenby 19 Partner Universities within the UNIGEM Project Background and information of the Projects: TPO Foundation (Transcultural Psychosocial Educational Foundation) advocates for gender equality, dialogue and peace through partnership of civil society, academic institutions and government. It stands for freedom of consciousness and thought, regardless of identity or affiliation.Bridging […]

INVITATION: Series of panels “FEMALE WORKERS IN CULTURE* 4th panel: Is Music a Male-Dominated Field?

In the context of the fourth panel, we will attempt to answer the question of whether music is a male-dominated field and to what extent patriarchal norms and perceptions shape the contemporary Bosnian-Herzegovinian music scene. During this month’s panel, we will meet three exceptional women who will speak, through personal experience, about how they managed to overcome[…]

Panel Antifascism, Gender, and Higher Education

On the 9th of May 2024, a compelling online panel convened to delve into the intricate intersections of “Antifascism, Gender, and Higher Education,” commemorating the International Day against Fascism and Europe Day. Hosted by esteemed personalities and experts in the field, the event provided a platform for critical discourse on pressing socio-political issues. The panelists, each bringing[…]

TOR (Terms of Reference) for External Evaluation

Background and information of the Projects: TPO Foundation (Transcultural Psychosocial Educational Foundation) advocates for gender equality, dialogue and peace through partnership of civil society, academic institutions and government. It stands for freedom of consciousness and thought, regardless of identity or affiliation.Bridging the gap between academic and activist, governmental and non-governmental and religious and non-religious worldviews, TPO is a leading organization in[…]

UNIGEM: The video material “What is a woman like?” created by student Lejla Mešanović has been published

In the month of March 2024, a student of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo, Lejla Mešanović from Ilijaš, held a series of activities within the project Introducing gender-conscious policies in higher education – UNIGEM. Lejla started her mini-project by showing the film “Girl Rising” to the students of the “Nedžad Ibrišimović” High[…]

Two Workshops Held as Part of the Unigem Project at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Banja Luka

On Tuesday, April 9, a workshop titled “Gender equality: international documents and national legislation” was held at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Banja Luka. The workshop was led by Prof. Dr Milena Karapetrović from the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy. This activity was part of the UNIGEM project. The workshop provided[…]

Ecofeminism and Social Care: on Activist Potentials and Opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Jasmina Husanović In Bosnia and Herzegovina, in all fields of action and in our everyday lives, we have been witnessing and resisting cascading crises for decades, whose dynamics are caused by both extreme and slow violence[1], including wartime and post-war, “post-Dayton” violence. However, its population, its people, are clear that war is not the only disaster that[…]