During March 2023, more precisely on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at theJosip Juraj Stossmayer University in Osijek and on Friday, March 31, 2023,at the Facutly of Law of the University of Zagreb promotions of the book “Violence against pregnant women in Bosnia and Herzegovina – family, health system and work relations” by Zlatan Hrnčić, PhD, were held. The following workshops that accompanied these promotions had the same name “Violence against pregnant women”.

Students from both universities attended the promotion and actively participated in the discussion.
Considering that this book scientifically investigates the topics of gender equality and discrimination of pregnant women in the health system, the author begun his presentation by giving an overview of his research path he went through to get valid quantitative and qualitative data about the experiences of pregnant women during their pregnancy and as well the treatment they received in the moment of childbirth in medical institutions in BiH.
Since this topic is still somewhat taboo, the presentation of certain facts spurred a live discussion among the attendees, what actually led to several potentially new topics for master’s and doctoral theses, and in general to new research projects.
The book was printed as part of the “University and Gender Mainstreaming (UNIGEM)” project, financially supported by the Government of the United Kingdom, and its implementation is coordinated by the TPO Foundation and carried out in partnership with 19 universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia.