
INVITATION: Series of panels “FEMALE WORKERS IN CULTURE* 4th panel: Is Music a Male-Dominated Field?

In the context of the fourth panel, we will attempt to answer the question of whether music is a male-dominated field and to what extent patriarchal norms and perceptions shape the contemporary Bosnian-Herzegovinian music scene. During this month’s panel, we will meet three exceptional women who will speak, through personal experience, about how they managed to overcome various gender-based obstacles and fully dedicate themselves to musical creativity, as well as how we can ensure greater representation of female composers, conductors, and instrumentalists at music events and in professional positions at academies and other music educational and research institutions.


Belma Alić, cello professor at the Music Academy of the University of Sarajevo Belma Šarančić, accordion professor at the Music Academy of the University of Sarajevo

Tijana Vignjević, conductor and orchestra professor at the Sarajevo High School of Music

Moderator: Ajla Demiragić

Location: Manifesto Gallery, Despićeva 3 Time: May 14, 2024, at 6:00 PM.

*FEMALE WORKERS IN CULTURE is a series of panels conceived and moderated by professors from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo, Ajla Demiragić and Adisa Bašić. These panels are realized within the UNIGEM project, implemented by the University Gender Resource Center (UNIGeRC) and TPO Foundation. Each panel is conceived as an open discussion that allows for the exchange of experiences of women writers, visual artists, musicians, producers, and entrepreneurs in the field of culture. Through these discussions, we aim to empower both women in the field of culture and all participants in the panels. These meetings seek to contribute to the establishment of new solidarity links and collaboration among women workers, as well as to valorize their achievements and improve their social status and visibility.