It is important to work and achieve results, but it is equally important, after a certain period of time, to summarize these results and present them to others who face similar challenges and are also committed to advocating for universities to be gender-responsive communities where everything is critically examined and social responsibility is learned. From September 11-12, 2024, Prof. Dr. Zilka Spahić presented the UNIGEM project at the 09th Rectors’ Forum of Southeast Europe and the Western Balkans held in Bitola, North Macedonia.
At the panel titled ‘Values in Universities,’ discussions were held on integrity within the university community and the achievements of the University of Sarajevo, presented by Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Dušanka Bošković and Rector Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj. The key message of their presentations was that integrity is the foundation of the university’s strength because universities are not only centers of knowledge and research but also centers of ethical and social responsibility.
Prof. Dr. Enita Nakaš discussed peacebuilding, reflecting on the conformism among people who do not feel the need to engage in change or fear being labeled. She emphasized that to make changes, it is important to learn about social responsibility and understand that everyone contributes to building peace, but universities must lead in this effort.
Prof. Dr. Zilka Spahić Šiljak presented the results of the UNIGEM project and showcased a small portion of the academic resources (books and video materials) available on the University Gender Resource Center’s website at the University of Sarajevo. She highlighted that there is no social justice and responsibility without gender justice. Therefore, it is crucial to scrutinize power relations, resource availability, and policies at universities, which often are not gender-responsive, concluded Prof. Spahić Šiljak.
The UNIGEM project is supported by the UK Government and is implemented by 19 partner universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro.