
Results of MENGA Research Presented to Government and University Representatives

On March 18, 2024, a publication was released presenting the results of research titled “How Much Does It Cost and How Much Does It Hurt: Social Decoding of Menstruation at Universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” as part of the MENGA project. This publication represents the outcome of a five-month study conducted at eight public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, involving female students and teachers. The MENGA research is the first of its kind conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The first presentation of the results was held for representatives of government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and representatives of the University of Sarajevo. The MENGA research aimed to find answers to questions about how much menstruation costs and how it affects the lives of female students and staff at universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The results of this research portray many aspects of menstrual health and its perception in society. The publication offers deep insight into the issue of menstrual poverty, which is still present in our society. Through numerous analyses and interpretations, the researchers emphasized the importance of raising awareness of this issue and offered concrete recommendations for improving the situation.

The publication is available at the following link: https://unigerc.unsa.ba/…/03/01-MENGA-report-WEB.pdf