On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, as part of the UNIGEM project, and in cooperation with the Laboratory of Educational Theories of the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade, an expert meeting for high school philosophy teachers was organized in the form of a symposium entitled “Philosophy in the Classroom”.
Although philosophy has its place in our educational system, research into specific pedagogical approaches and methods applicable in high school philosophy classes is relatively rare. This gap points to the need for a deeper understanding of the methods through which philosophical content and ways of thinking can be effectively conveyed to students, in order to ensure that pedagogical strategies correspond to the goals of philosophical education. Research, creation and publication of extensive studies on philosophy teaching methodology would enable not only the development of innovative teaching practices, but also a clear insight and broader understanding of the potential of philosophy teaching in the educational development of students. There is an obvious need for further research in this area, which would enrich both educational theory and pedagogical practice. With the Philosophy in the Classroom professional meeting, a professional discussion in this direction was initiated.
Program and the Organizational Committee:
Miloš Jeremić (Požarevac high school)
Predrag Krstić (IFDT)
Aleksandar Milanković (IFDT)
Olga Nikolić (IFDT)