On Monday, 29 May 2023, at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo, the promotion of two books, translated as part of the UNIGEM project, was held.
Professor Dr Dino Abazović promoted the book “Women and religion in the first centuries of Christianity” and Selma Alispahić, MA, promoted the book “Decolonial Feminism”. The promotion moderator was Professor Dr Valida Repovac Nikšić. The event was jointly organized by the TPO Foundation and the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo.
The book “Women and Religion in the First Centuries of Christianity”, edited by Deborah F. Sawyer and John Sawyer, focuses on religion during the period of Roman imperial rule and considers the importance it had in the lives of women. The book examines the rich variety of religious expressions, from pagan cults and classical mythology to ancient Judaism and early Christianity, as well as the wide range of religious functions performed by women. It also analyzes key examples from each individual context, creating a vivid picture of this period that laid the foundations of Western civilization. The study challenges the concepts of religion and women in the light of postmodern criticism. As such, it represents an important contribution to contemporary gender theory.
The book “Decolonial Feminism” by Francoise Verges examines feminist struggles in the context of a violent and brutal counter-revolution. The questions “Who cleans the world?” prompted a strike by black and brown women cleaning the Gare du Nord train station in Paris. The book examines the role of what is in the text called civilizational feminism, which is seen as a special strategy of the current counter-revolution. This feminism borrows the vocabulary and goals of the colonial civilizing mission, modernizing the politics that Frantz Fanon summed up in the sentence: “Get the women, and the rest will follow.” Decolonial feminism accepts the existence of other feminisms; it does not want to become a theory, but to facilitate cross-border and international alliances.
Both books are available via the link http://www.tpo.ba/b/Publikacije.html