On Tuesday, April 9, a workshop titled “Gender equality: international documents and national legislation” was held at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Banja Luka. The workshop was led by Prof. Dr Milena Karapetrović from the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy. This activity was part of the UNIGEM project. The workshop provided the students with the possibility to learn more about the theoretical and legal aspects of gender equality, the main international declarations, and the Law on Gender Equality of Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the discussion, the topics mentioned concerned the following: to what extent the articles of this Law were implemented, especially in the field of education, and how, through institutional mechanisms, would it be possible to act against gender-based violence
The workshop “Women and art: patriarchy, gender stereotypes and the response of female artists” was held at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Banja Luka on Friday, April 12. Students had the opportunity to learn more about how patriarchy shaped art throughout history and how it affected the representation of women and the female body in works of art. A special section is devoted to the response of female artists – the contribution of female writers in the construction of a contemporary image of society, including the gender aspect. The workshop was held by Prof. Dr Milena Karapetrović from the Department of Philosophy. Also, this event represented an activity within the UNIGEM project, in which the University of Banja Luka is one of the partner organizations.