Academic director of UNIGeRC, prof. Ph.D. Zilka Spahić Šiljak and prof. Ph.D. Jasna Kovačević held on 29.11.2022. a workshop with members of the Advisory Board for Gender Equality of the University of Zenica, within the UNIGEM project. Dean of the Faculty of Law, prof. Ph.D. Larisa Velić pointed out that according to the Gender Action Plan (GAP) of the University of Zenica, they managed to implement two key activities related to the improvement of the curriculum. The decision of the Senate was adopted to introduce the optional subject Introduction to Gender Equality for all students at the University level. This is a big step forward because students of all faculties will be able to choose this course. Also, the Office for psychological and pedagogical support for teachers and students of UNZE was opened.

We remind you that the strategic areas of GAP at the University of Zenica are: institutional culture of gender equality, which is implemented and promoted in the processes and decision-making system through gender equality policies, increasing gender equality in support of scientific and artistic work, harmonization of the working environment, integration of the gender perspective into study programs through increased education in the field of gender equality, especially education about the consequences of violence against women as well as gender/sex-based violence in general.
The Advisory board for gender equality of the University of Zenica was presented with a table for reporting according to the goals and indicators of the GAP, which as a tool of the UNIGEM project will help the University to more easily monitor the implementation of the institutional GAP.