In order to mark the International Women’s Day, the TPO Foundation and the University Gender Resource Center (UNIGeRC) of the University of Sarajevo, with the support of the Swiss Embassy in Sarajevo, organized and held a panel on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, titled “Women’s rights between generations”.
The panellists were activists from three generations, well-known women in BiH society for their long-term, exceptional and dedicated work in the field of human rights, especially women’s human rights. Each generation was represented by two persons. Therefore, we had a privilege to welcome Professor Dr. Nermina Zaimović-Uzunović from the University of Zenica and Lana Jajčević, activist of the “United Women of Banja Luka”, as representatives of the first generation; also, there were Borka Rudić, a journalist from Sarajevo, and Amela Hajvaz Pozderović, an activist from “Women’s Vision” from Tuzla, who represented the second generation; while the third generation, the youngest one, of BiH activists was represented by Aida Čičak, a journalist from Sarajevo, and Lana Prlić, a politician from Mostar.
The moderator of the panel discussion was Jasna Kovo, a professor from the Second Gymnasium in Sarajevo, who in her introductory part referred to the significance of women’s fight for their human rights and gender equality throughout history.
Among the guests were students from three Sarajevo’s high schools and we are particularly pleased that female students joined the discussion and emphasized the importance of education, solidarity and a supportive environment for women.
The concluding thoughts with which the panel ended were that we can all contribute to the fight for the equal position of women in society, what is directly related to the further democratization of our society, and that it is extremely important to constantly remind ourselves that we must not take carelessly the rights women fought for and managed to gain, because in that case we can easily loose them as well.