
Workshop on GAP implementation at the University of Bihać

The University of Bihać implements its Gender Action Plan (GAP) through a series of activities that are already recognized in the wider community. A workshop with members of the Advisory Board chaired by Jasmina Bešlagić, Ph.D. was held on December 19, 2022, in order to discuss monitoring and systematic ways of monitoring all activities.

It was pointed out that the first goal of GAP: to become recognizable for gender equality policies, has been achieved to a large extent. The University Gender Center is recognized for its support for the adoption and promotion of GAP, so municipal and cantonal services and courts have invited it to help them in the process of adopting their own gender action plans. It is also positive that there is support from the University’s management, because in this way the essence of GAP implementation is taken care of.

The challenge is the lack of motivation and interest of teachers from technical faculties, who need to be further animated so that they are ready to take a responsible and gender-aware approach to the introduction of a gender perspective into the teaching process. Gender mainstreaming is unknown to many and it is necessary to educate teaching staff to be ready to introduce changes in order to achieve a 0% rate of tolerance to gender-based violence.