Final Event of the UNIGEM Project: Universities in the Region Strengthen Gender Equality

On March 19, 2025, the final event of the four-year project “Universities and Gender Mainstreaming (UNIGEM)” took place at the Hills Hotel in Ilidža. The project was implemented by the TPO Foundation in collaboration with 19 universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro, with support from the UK Government. It was an opportunity for representatives of the academic community, donors, and researchers to gather, summarize the project’s results, and highlight its importance for integrating a gender perspective into higher education. Over its four years of work, UNIGEM brought […]


Under the motto “PAY ATTENTION”, the international campaign 16 Days of Activism has taken place over the past four years (2021-2024) as part of the UNIGEM (Universities and Gender Mainstreaming) project implemented by the TPO Foundation in collaboration with the University Gender Resource Center and 19 partner universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro, with the support of the British Embassy. The film highlights several key activities undertaken by universities across the Balkans during the campaign and emphasizes the importance of seeing the light and supporting survivors and victims of gender-based[…]

FILM: UNIGEM Project: International Conference on the Culture of Remembrance and Gender Held in Zenica

At the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zenica, on December 2nd, 2024, an international conference titled “Culture of Remembrance and Gender: Gender-Based Violence in War and the Continuation of Misogynistic Projects in the Post-War Period in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Region” was held. The event was organized in collaboration with the TPO Foundation as part of the UNIGEM project. The conference was part of the global campaign “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence” and brought together experts, activists, academic staff, and students with the aim of[…]


As part of the UNIGEM project, five new videos are created in cooperation with the legal expert Dr Nermin Šehović, LLM. The titles of new videos are: Current situation regarding gender-based violence in BiH, Evidence in cases of violence or femicide, Femicide in BiH and criminal procedure framework, How to recognize femicide and Procedure for reporting violence. These videos aim to inform and educate the general public about the topics of violence, femicide and prevention. In connection with the most serious forms of violence, such as femicide, it is necessary[…]


On the occasion of the end of the global campaign “16 days of activism”, the director of the TPO Foundation, prof. Zilka Spahić Šiljak was host at Federal Television. Read more about hosting at the link The slogan of this year’s campaign is AGAINST FEMICIDE, and the TPO Foundation focused its activities on raising awareness among the public, especially young people, about femicide and its consequences. The campaign itself started with a panel through which the speakers explained the cause of femicide and its characteristics, that is, what distinguishes[…]

Finding your voice in fighting gender-based violence-Cristel Gopin

“Inner voice is important to think about girls and be comfortable to hear our voice and criticize, but to trust your voice”, said Christel Gopin during the online conversation held on December 08.2023, on the occasion of “16 days of activism” campaign. The session was moderated by Zilka Spahić Šiljak on behalf TPO Foundation and University Gender Resource Center (UNIGeRC). Christel is the Associate Director of the Center for World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution (CRDC), The Jimmy and Rosalynn School for Peace and Conflict Resolution, George Mason University. CRDC[…]

16 days of activism: Video materials “Against violence” available

As part of the UNIGEM project, video materials were created with the aim of informing the public about procedures for reporting violence, as well as the prevention of violence itself. Through these three short videos, citizens can get information about how gender-based violence represents discrimination, what to do when violence occurs, and how to prevent the occurrence of violence. The video material was created with the support of academician prof.  Nedžad Korajlić PhD from the Faculty of Criminology and Security Studies of the University of Sarajevo and prof.  Amila Ždralović[…]


The global campaign “16 days of activism against violence against women and girls” is celebrated every year, from November 25 to December 10. On this occasion, the member of the Council for Gender Equality of the University of Sarajevo, Prof. Amila Ždralović, PhD, from the Faculty of Law of the University of Sarajevo was a guest on the BHRT show “Jutro za sve”. The TPO Foundation focused this year’s campaign on the fight against femicide, and Prof. Ždralović just focused the conversation on femicide in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The fight[…]

The 16 Days of Activism Campaign in 2023 launched and a panel on violence prevention held

On Wednesday, 22 November 2023, the TPO Foundation and the University Gender Resource Center (UNIGeRC) opened this year’s 16 Days of Activism Campaign as part of the UNIGEM project, which will focus on the fight against femicide. On the occasion of the start of the campaign, which will last from 25 November to 10 December 2023, a panel on violence prevention was held. Panelists were Dr. Alma Kratina, a member of the Federal Parliament of BiH, Prof. Dr Amila Ždralović, from the Faculty of Law of the University of Sarajevo,[…]

Panel titled ‘Law and femicide – a comparative presentation of legal solutions and systemic responses in the region (BiH, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia)’ held

Yesterday, at 18:00, a panel titled ‘Law and femicide – a comparative overview of legal solutions and systemic responses in the region (BiH, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia)’ was held via the Zoom platform. The panel is part of this year’s ‘16 Days of Activism’ Campaign and it was organized by the TPO Foundation in cooperation with the University Gender Resource Center (UNIGeRC) as part of the UNIGEM project. Persons from the region took the role of panelists, i.e. there was one person from each country where the UNIGEM project has[…]

The first promotion of the novel “Heaven in Your Heart” by the Turkish author Leyla Karaça held in Sarajevo

The TPO Foundation and the University Gender Resource Center organized the promotion of the novel “Heaven in Your Heart” by the Turkish author Leyla Karaça on September 12, 2023, in Sarajevo. The first promotion of the mentioned novel in Bosnia and Herzegovina took place in Sarajevo on September 12. starting at 6 pm in the premises of the Museum of Literature and Theater Arts. As part of the promotion of the novel, a panel discussion “Spaces for women in literature” was organized, and the participants were Prof.  Adisa Bašić Ph.D.[…]

Education on gender equality
Understanding Masculinity: How to Develop Gender Equality

“Understanding masculinity: how to develop gender equality” was the title of the workshop the well-known journalist from BiH Nikola Vučić held at eight universities, partners in the UNIGEM project, during the “16 Days of Activism” Campaign in 2022. Here is a video of one workshop, produced within the TPO Foundation’s educational cycle on gender equality, which is part of the UNIGEM Project (University and Gender Mainstreaming) that the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo currently implements in partnership with 19 universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia, supported by the[…]

Education on gender equality Violence against pregnant women in Bosnia and Herzegovina – family, health system and work relations

“Violence against pregnant women in Bosnia and Herzegovina – family, health system and work relations” was the title of the workshop Zlatan Hrnčić, PhD, held at eight universities, partners in the UNIGEM project, during the “16 Days of Activism” Campaign in 2022. Namely, Zlatan did a research in this area for his doctoral thesis, so he also authored the book with the same title. Here is a video of one of the mentioned workshops, produced within the TPO Foundation’s educational cycle on gender equality, which is part of the UNIGEM[…]


The book “Challenges of integrating gender equality in the university community: Against gender-based violence” was promoted at the University of Donja Gorica (UDG) (Montenegro) and its promoters were Prof. Dr Nela Milošević, Dr Milica Kovač Orlandić, Dr Ivan Jovetić and Dr Nikoleta Đukanović. Professors Dr Zilka Spahić Šiljak, Dr Jasna Kovačević and Dr Jasmina Husanović were the book editors. The book was published in four languages (Bosnian, Montenegrin, Croatian and Serbian), and the promotion at the UDG was the 17th promotion in total at the partner institution that participates in[…]

Round Table: Women, Men, and Patriarchy – Faculty of Political Sciences UNSA, UNIGEM project 2022

On the occasion of the campaign “16 Days of Activism for gender equality” as a part of the UNIGEM project, on December 1st 2022 in the reading room of The Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo (UNSA)  a roundtable table on “Women, men and patriarchy” was held. A theoretical overview of the topic, with the perspective of their own experiences, was given by the participants of the round table: Ph.D. Asim Mujkić, Ph.D. Belma Buljubašić, assistant professor Ph.D. Hazim Begagić and Assoc. Ph.D. Medina Mujić and the[…]

What is gender for us: Sketches from the family of life – UNIGEM project -Sead Hrustanović-2022

Comedian Sead Hrustanović in the video “Sketches from the family of life” presents: What is gender for us? Mother has spoken! Can she pay for the coffee too? What’s for lunch? Situations that will become familiar to us and in which we have all found ourselves, Sead brings and presents in a unique way, which will interest and encourage you to further think about gender equality. The video was created as part of the UNIGEM project (University and Gender Mainstreaming), which the TPO Foundation implements in cooperation with 19 universities[…]

Video materials: “Unconscious bias”

Below, watch a set of six videos on Unconscious Bias prepared by the University of Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST), one of the partner universities within the UNIversity and Gender Mainstreaming (UNIGEM) project. Associates from SSST worked hard on the creation of materials during the month of May 2022. The materials were used for the first time at UNIGEM Summer School in Mostar (31.08.-02.09.2022) for the purpose of presenting the phenomenon of unconscious bias in university communities. We would like to thank the SSST team; coordinator prof. Dr.[…]

The recordings of Dr Anna Bull’s lecture on Tackling faculty/staff sexual misconduct in higher education in the UK

Find below the recordings of Dr Anna Bull’s lecture on Tackling faculty/staff sexual misconduct in higher education in the UK.  The lecture was held at the International Conference „Beyond Fear and Silence: Universities against Violence“ (The Rectorate, University of Sarajevo, 6th and 7th May, 2022). During the two Conference days, over 70 Bosnian-Herzegovinian, regional and international scholars discussed gender-related issues in the field of higher education. In two days, and through 8 parallel panels, over 30 papers by authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia were presented.[…]

The recordings of Ana Belén Amil’s lecture on Combating sexual harassment in Higher Education: Policy innovations

Find below the recordings of Ana Belén Amil’s lecture on Combating sexual harassment in Higher Education: Policy innovations. The lecture was held at the International Conference „Beyond Fear and Silence: Universities against Violence“ (The Rectorate, University of Sarajevo, 6th and 7th May, 2022). During the two Conference days, over 70 Bosnian-Herzegovinian, regional and international scholars discussed gender-related issues in the field of higher education. In two days, and through 8 parallel panels, over 30 papers by authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia were presented. Also, during[…]

The recordings of Prof. Dr Kirsten Campbell’s lecture on violence as a feminist problem and producing knowledge on sexual and gender-based violence

Find below the recordings of Prof. Dr Kirsten Campbell’s lecture (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK) on violence as a feminist problem and producing knowledge on sexual and gender-based violence. The lecture was held at the International Conference „Beyond Fear and Silence: Universities against Violence“ (The Rectorate, University of Sarajevo, 6th and 7th May, 2022). During the two Conference days, over 70 Bosnian-Herzegovinian, regional and international scholars discussed gender-related issues in the field of higher education. In two days, and through 8 parallel panels, over 30 papers by authors from Bosnia[…]

Interview: Prof. Dr Alija Kožljak, the UNIGEM project coordinator

On Friday, 3rd June 2022, Prof. Dr Alija Kožljak, the UNIGEM project coordinator for the International Burch University (IBU), was a guest on Radio Sarajevo and he spoke about the mentioned project, its goals, already achieved results and upcoming activities. UNIGEM is a project aimed at strengthening the capacity of state and private universities in BiH, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia to combat gender-based violence and sexual harassment. The project involves eighteen universities. They all signed the Memorandum of Cooperation and, in that way, confirmed their strategic commitment to ensuring gender[…]

Universities against Violence – through practice and feminist epistemology

‘Beyond Fear and Silence: Universities against Violence’, the international conference, was held on May 6 and 7 2022, at the Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo. During the two Conference days, over 70 Bosnian-Herzegovinian, regional and international scholars discussed gender-related issues in the field of higher education. In two days, and through 8 parallel panels, over 30 papers by authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Austria and the United Kingdom were presented. The conference was opened by Prof. Dr Kirsten Campbell’s (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK)[…]