On the occasion of the end of the “16 Days of Activism for Gender Equality 2022” campaign which is held in the period from November 25th to December 10th, the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo on Friday, October 9th 2022, organized a panel discussion on the topic of the importance of education for human rights and connection with practice, in the premises of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies “Prof. Dr. Zdravko Grebo” of the University of Sarajevo (UNSA). The participants of the panel were the students of the European Regional Master’s […]
As part of the campaign “16 days of activism for gender equality” at the University “Džemal Bijedić” in Mostar (UNMO), various activities were held with the aim of raising the level of awareness about the problems of gender-based violence and discrimination. The activities were organized and implemented as part of the project “Introduction of gender-aware policies in higher education/University and gender mainstreaming (UNIGEM)” which the TPO Foundation implements in partnership with 19 universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, and Serbia, with the aim of ensuring integrity and quality in[…]
Breaking the silence about gender-based violence by informing the academic community and the public in general about the alarming situation, and raising awareness about the extent of the problem are the guiding principles of the “16 Days of Activism for Gender Equality” campaign conducted at the University of Herzegovina (SVEHER) as part of the UNIGEM project, which the TPO Foundation implements in partnership with 19 universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia with the financial support of the United Kingdom Government. On this occasion, the Office for Gender[…]
At the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Herzegovina on December 10, 2022, the first regional and multidisciplinary research on gender-based violence in academic communities was promoted. The research was carried out as part of the UNIGEM project and presented in the scientific publication “Challenges of integrating gender equality in the university community: against gender-based violence” edited by professor Zilka Spahić Šiljak Ph.D., professor Jasna Kovačević Ph.D., and professor Jasmina Husanović Ph.D. The research was conducted at all partner institutions of the project that the TPO Foundation is[…]
Center for Gender Equality of the University of Bihać at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bihać on December 9, 2022, organized the central event of the “16 Days of Activism for Gender Equality” campaign of the UNIGEM project and the round table on the topic of violence against women. Students of the Faculty of Law of the University of Bihać took part in the event, who, under the mentorship of the coordinator of the Center for Gender Equality UNBI professor Jasmina Bešlagić Ph.D. sc. held an appropriate[…]
The “16 Days of Activism for Gender Equality” campaign is marked by the University of Zenica (UNZE) with a series of panels on women in contemporary B&H artistic practices. A lecture was also held on the importance of gender equality, psychological consequences of gender inequality and forms of gender-based violence. The activities were carried out as part of the UNIGEM project, which the TPO Foundation implements in cooperation with 19 universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia, with the financial support of the Government of the United Kingdom.[…]
As part of the “16 days of activism for gender equality” campaign, a panel discussion “Let’s talk about gender-sensitive language” was held on December 6, 2022 at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Banja Luka (UNIBL). The panel discussion was organized by the Advisory Board for Gender Equality UNIBL, within the UNIGEM project funded by the Government of the United Kingdom, and conducted by the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo in partnership with 19 universities in BiH and the region (Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia), among which UNIBL. During[…]
The campaign “16 Days of Activism for gender equality” at the University of Novi Sad began with the lecture “Basic concepts and terms of gender studies – challenges of contextualization and localization”, followed by the panel discussion “Gender-based violence and femicide – responsibility and importance of the media”, the promotion of the book “Women in Prostitution in the Republic of Serbia”, and the workshop “Men against violence against women” were organized. The activities were carried out with the aim of raising awareness of gender-based violence and the importance of preventing[…]
University of Sarajevo (UNSA) in the period from November 25, until December 10, 2022 marks the “16 Days of Activism for Gender Equality” campaign of the UNIGEM project. Organized by the TPO Foundation and the Council for Gender Equality of the UNSA, numerous workshops and lectures, an exhibition, a round table, and book promotion were held, dedicated to the culture of gender equality and active engagement in the fight against violence. Male and female students were given the opportunity to further educate themselves and actively participate in all activities, as[…]
On Thursday, December 1, 2022, the University of Belgrade (UNBG) hosted the promotion of the book “Challenges of integrating gender equality in the university community: Against gender-based violence”, edited by Zilka Spahić Šiljak, Jasna Kovačević and Jasmina Husanović. The book presents the results of a regional research, the first in the field of gender equality at universities, which included partner institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia. The research is part of the “University and Gender Mainstreaming – UNIGEM” project, implemented by the TPO Foundation and supported by[…]
On the occasion of the end of the “16 Days of Activism for Gender Equality 2022” campaign, which is held in the period from November 25th to December 10th, the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo organizes a panel discussion on the topic of the importance of education for human rights and connection with practice, in the premises of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies “Prof. Dr. Zdravko Grebo” (Zmaja od Bosne 8, Sarajevo). The panel discussion will be held on Friday 09.12.2022. starting at 14:00. The participants of the panel are the[…]
The University of Donja Gorica (UDG), an institutional partner of the UNIGEM project, which the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo is implementing with 18 other institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia with the support of the United Kingdom Government with the aim of equipping higher education and establishing mechanisms for gender equality at faculties, organized a series of activities as part of the “16 Days of Activism for Gender Equality” campaign. The marking of the Campaign began on November 25th, 2022, on the International Day against Violence against[…]
The promotion of the publication “Challenges of integrating gender equality in the university community: Against gender-based violence” was held at the Law Faculty of the University of East Sarajevo. The book was created as a result of multidisciplinary research carried out as part of the UNIGEM project, in which 19 universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, and Croatia participate, including UES, and which is carried out by the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo with the financial support of the United Kingdom Government. The speakers at the promotion were prof.Ph.D. Jelena[…]
The first regional research on gender-based violence in academic communities, presented in the book “Challenges of integrating gender equality in the university community: Against gender-based violence” edited by prof. Ph.D. Zilka Spahić Šiljak, prof. Ph.D. Jasna Kovačević and Prof. Ph.D. Jasmina Husanović. The promotion was attended by representatives of the academic community, as well as numerous male and female students who showed great interest in the topics of gender equality. The multidisciplinary research was carried out as part of the UNIGEM project, which is financially supported by the United Kingdom[…]
As part of the “16 Days of Activism for Gender Equality” campaign, on December 5 and 6, 2022, students of the Faculty of Law of the University of Bihać (UNBI) visited the Faculty of Pedagogy and the Islamic Pedagogical Faculty of UNBI, as well as the Medical School of Bihać, PI Mixed Electrical and Woodworking High School, and Richmond Park International Primary School and College. The goal of the visit was an education about the importance of the problem of gender-based violence and gender inequality, as well as finding potential[…]
On December 1st, 2022, the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo organized an exhibition of student works as part of the “16 days of activism for gender equality” campaign of the UNIGEM project with the aim of encouraging the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls and raising public awareness of the need for active engagement in that fight. The exhibition will be displayed in the hall of the Faculty until the end of the Campaign, until December 10th, 2022, when the International Human Rights Day[…]
In parallel with the global campaign “16 days of activism against gender-based violence”, as part of the UNIGEM (University and Gender Mainstreaming) project implemented by the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo, activities were held at the University of Rijeka which, in cooperation with teaching and professional staff and both male and female students marked the International Day against Violence Against Women and the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The first activity included a visit to the Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka, where the members of[…]
On December 2, 2022, the Gender Research Laboratory (GenLab) of the Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade organized the workshop “Mapping gender-based violence in the region: Research on obstetric violence in Bosnia and Serbia” as part of the “16 days of activism for gender equality” campaign which is a part of the UNIGEM project, that is regionally implemented by the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo with 19 partner universities, and is financially supported by the United Kingdom Government. At the workshop, Ph.D. Zlatan Hrnčić presented his[…]
The University of East Sarajevo held three lectures and three workshops at the Faculty of Philosophy dedicated to marking the “16 Days of Activism for Gender Equality” campaign of the UNIGEM project, which the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo, in addition to this partner institution, is implementing together with 18 other universities in BiH and the region with the financial support of the United Kingdom Government, under the motto “Look, speak out against the violence”. The campaign, in the period from November 25th to December 10th, 2022, in addition to the[…]
Monitoring and evaluation of Gender Action Plans (GAP) at universities is extremely important in the gender mainstreaming of the university community, its culture, and its programs. In order to help partner universities of the UNIGEM project to monitor the implementation of their GAPs, the academic director of UNIGeRC, prof. Ph.D. Zilka Spahić Šiljak and prof. Ph.D. Jasna Kovačević held on 05.12.2022. a workshop with members of the Advisory Committee for Gender Equality of Sarajevo School Science and Technology (SSST). This University is at the forefront of its gender equality policies[…]
Sarajevo School of Science and Technology held on 05.12.2022. the promotion of the book “Challenges of integrating gender equality in the university community”, edited by prof. Ph.D. Zilka Spahić Šiljak, prof. Ph.D. Jasna Kovačević and Prof. Ph.D. Jasmina Husanović. The book is the result of extensive research conducted as part of the UNIGEM (University and Gender Mainstreaming) project, which the TPO Foundation is conducting in partnership with 19 universities in BiH and the region, and was published with the support of the United Kingdom Government, which also finances the UNIGEM[…]
As part of the “16 days of activism for gender equality” campaign of the UNIGEM project at the University of Tuzla (UNTZ), the promotion of the book by Ph.D. Zlatan Hrnčić entitled “Violence against pregnant women in Bosnia and Herzegovina” and the same-titled workshop was held, as well as the workshop of the famous BiH journalist Nikola Vučić on the understanding of masculinity and gender responsibility. On Friday, December 2, the UNTZ Council for Gender Equality, the Museum of Literature and Theatre Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Centre for[…]
Academic director of UNIGeRC, prof. Ph.D. Zilka Spahić Šiljak and prof. Ph.D. Jasna Kovačević held on 29.11.2022. a workshop with members of the Advisory Board for Gender Equality of the University of Zenica, within the UNIGEM project. Dean of the Faculty of Law, prof. Ph.D. Larisa Velić pointed out that according to the Gender Action Plan (GAP) of the University of Zenica, they managed to implement two key activities related to the improvement of the curriculum. The decision of the Senate was adopted to introduce the optional subject Introduction to[…]
The University of Novi Sad (UNS) celebrates the “16 Days of Activism for Gender Equality” campaign of the UNIGEM project in the period from 25.11. until 10.12.2022, and thus joins the global campaign that is celebrated in over 180 countries. Through interesting and educational events – workshops, panels, lectures, and promotions, UNS will contribute to raising the level of public awareness on the need for active engagement in the fight against gender-based violence. Lecture on “Basic concepts and terms of gender studies – challenges of contextualization and localization” 29.11.2022. was[…]
In the period from November 29 to 30, 2022, the “Alkibijad” debate club, in cooperation with the University of Banja Luka (UNIBL) and the TPO Foundation, marked the “16 Days of Activism for Gender Equality” campaign of the UNIGEM project, which the TPO Foundation implements regionally in partnership with 19 universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia with the support of the United Kingdom Government. The slogan of the Campaign for 2022 is “Look, speak out against the violence”. The first activity was realized on November 29th and[…]
On Tuesday, November 29, 2022, the University of Zenica (UNZE) held the promotion of the book “Challenges of integrating gender equality in the university community: Against gender-based violence”, which brings the results of a large, regional research conducted as part of the project “University and Gender Mainstreaming (UNIGEM)”. The survey included 4,754 respondents, including teaching and administrative staff, as well as students from all partner universities. For the interpretation of the collected data, the researchers used the most modern scientific multidisciplinary approach. The editors of “The Challenge of Integration…” are[…]
On November 30, 2022, the University of Bihać at the Faculty of Islamic Pedagogy promoted the first regional research on gender equality in academic communities conducted as part of the UNIGEM project, which the TPO Foundation, with the support of the United Kingdom Government, is conducting with 19 universities in BiH and the region, including an institutional partner, UNBI. The research was presented in the scientific publication “Challenges of Mainstreaming Gender Equality in University Communities: Fighting Gender-Based Violence”, and the promotion was organized by the Center for Gender Equality of[…]
On the occasion of marking the “16 Days of Activism for Gender Equality” campaign, the University of Banja Luka (UNIBL), through the Advisory Board for Gender Equality of the University, is organizing a series of workshops and events dedicated to the topic of gender equality and preventing gender-based harassment and sexual violence. The activities are implemented within the framework of the UNIGEM (University and Gender Mainstreaming) project, which is financially supported by the United Kingdom Government, and which the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo implements in partnership with 19 universities in[…]
In the organization of the Centre for Gender Equality of the University of Bihać, on November 28, 2022, the presentation of the publication “Violence against pregnant women in Bosnia and Herzegovina – family, health system and work relations” by Dr. sc. Zlatan Hrnčić and the same-titled workshop were held. The event was organized as part of the “16 Days of Activism for Gender Equality” campaign, which the TPO Foundation is implementing in partnership with 19 universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region, as part of the UNIGEM project funded[…]
The University of Sarajevo (UNSA) joins the implementation of the global campaign “16 Days of Activism”, which is celebrated every year from November 25th to December 10th. The motto of this year’s campaign of partner universities of the UNIGEM project is “Look, speak out against the violence”, which emphasizes the importance of public speaking about the presence of gender-based violence in the academic community. Accordingly, one of the first activities of UNSA as part of the Campaign is the creation of an informative video with university professors about the presence[…]
The TPO Foundation today announced the activities of the “16 Days of Activism for Gender Equality” campaign, which begins on November 25 and lasts until December 10, 2022, as an important segment of the UNIGEM (University and Gender Mainstreaming) project, which is financially supported by the United Kingdom Government, and which is realized in partnership with 19 universities in BiH and the region (Montenegro, Croatia, and Serbia). The “Do you know?” exhibition was also officially opened, consisting of ten posters containing messages of the most common forms of gender-based violence[…]
The TPO Foundation is organizing a press conference on Thursday, November 24, 2022. at 12:00 p.m. where the activities, which will be done as part of the UNIGEM project at 19 partner universities, on the occasion of the “16 Days of Activism for Gender Equality” campaign for 2022 will be presented. On the same day, after the conference, there will be a ceremonial opening of the exhibition entitled “Do you know?” on the well-maintained promenade of the UNSA (University of Sarajevo) Campus, whose messages point to some of the most[…]
On November 22, 2022, the University of Mostar promoted the first regional research on gender-based violence (GBV) in academic communities, presented in the publication “Challenges of integrating gender equality in the university community: Against gender-based violence”, edited by prof. Ph.D. Zilka Spahić Šiljak, prof. Ph.D. Jasna Kovačević and Prof. Ph.D. Jasmina Husanović. The research was conducted in B&H, Montenegro, Croatia, and Serbia, at 18 partner universities of the UNIGEM project, which is implemented by the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo, with the financial support of the United Kingdom Government, with the[…]
The promotions of the scientific publication “The Challenges of Mainstreaming Gender Equality in University Communities: Fighting Gender-Based Violence” in which the results of the first regional research on gender-based violence in academic communities conducted as part of the UNIGEM project were presented, were held on November 10th and 21st, 2022, at the Philology faculty and at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the UCG. At both promotions, about the publication, which was edited by professor Zilka Spahić Šiljak Ph.D., professor Jasna Kovačević Ph.D. and professor Jasmina Husanović Ph.D. spoke: Milena[…]
On November 4, 2022 International University Travnik (IUT) in Travnik held promotion of the first regional research on gender-based violence (GBV) in academic communities compiled into a book “The Challenges of Mainstreaming Gender Equality in University Communities: Fighting against Gender-Based Violence” edited by Zilka Spahić Šiljak, PhD, Jasna Kovačević, PhD and Jasmina Husanović, PhD. The promotion was attended by representatives of the academic community, the non-governmental sector, students and media houses. The research was carried out as part of the UNIGEM (University and Gender Mainstreaming) project, which is funded by[…]
On October 31, 2022, at the Rectorate of the University of Novi Sad promotion of the book “The Challenges of Mainstreaming Gender Equality in University Communities: Fighting against Gender-Based Violence” on the results of the first regional research on gender-based violence in academic communities, conducted at 18 universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia, was held. The research was carried out as part of the UNIGEM (University and Gender Mainstreaming) project, which is funded by the Government of the United Kingdom, implemented by the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo[…]
The TPO Foundation from Sarajevo, in cooperation with the University of Sarajevo, held a promotion of the book on the results of the first regional research on gender-based violence in academic communities, conducted at 18 universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia. The research “The Challenges of Mainstreaming Gender Equality in University Communities: Fighting against Gender-Based Violence” was carried out as part of the UNIGEM (University and Gender Mainstreaming) project, which is funded by the Government of the United Kingdom, and which represents a strategic commitment of universities[…]
TPO Foundation from Sarajevo, in cooperation with the University of Sarajevo, will promote the book on the results of the first regional research on gender-based violence in academic communities, conducted at 18 universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia. Promotion will be held on Monday, 31 October 2022, at 12:00 hrs in the Ceremonial Hall of the Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo. The research “The Challenges of Mainstreaming Gender Equality in University Communities: Fighting against Gender-Based Violence” was carried out as part of the UNIGEM (University and[…]
Below, watch a set of six videos on Unconscious Bias prepared by the University of Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST), one of the partner universities within the UNIversity and Gender Mainstreaming (UNIGEM) project. Associates from SSST worked hard on the creation of materials during the month of May 2022. The materials were used for the first time at UNIGEM Summer School in Mostar (31.08.-02.09.2022) for the purpose of presenting the phenomenon of unconscious bias in university communities. We would like to thank the SSST team; coordinator prof. Dr.[…]
Editors: Zilka Spahić Šiljak, Jasna Kovačević, Jasmina Husanović This publication was created as a result of extensive research efforts as part of the five-year UNIversity and Gender Mainstreaming (UNIGEM) project launched in 2021 by the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo with the aim of networking universities from the region, exchanging expertise, equipping higher education by establishing mechanisms for gender equality (council or centers), adopting gender action plans (GAP), enriching curricula and programs in the field of gender equality, and sensitizing teaching staff and students through various types of thematic education and[…]
Authors: Zilka Spahić Šiljak, Jasna Kovačević, Jasmina Husanović Gender equality is a fundamental value of the mission of the European Union. One of the challenging goals of gender-sensitive policies and programs is to eliminate gender-based violence (GBV) in many political, social, economic and cultural contexts. As a global phenomenon, gender-based violence is closely related to gendered social norms and expectations and unfair power relations based on gender identities. The UNIGEM project included 19 partner universities in the Balkans in order to initiate institutional changes and an organizational culture at universities[…]
TPO Foundation from Sarajevo in cooperation with the University of Mostar (Sveučilište u Mostaru – SUM) within the University and Gender Mainstreaming (UNIGEM) project, from 31st August till 2nd September 2022, held a training on unconscious bias at the Faculty of Law of the University of Mostar (SUM). During the three days of training, participants (university teaching and administrative staff from 19 partner institutions, had the opportunity to attend the lectures and to participate in practical exercises provided by professors Dr. Melissa Jones Briggs and Dr. Dan Milton Klein from[…]
We understand GBV as behaviour or attitudes underpinned by inequitable power relations that hurt, threaten or undermine people because of their (perceived) gender or sexuality. This definition recognises that GBV is influenced by and influences gender relations and problematises violence premised on hierarchical constructions of gender and sexuality. Women and girls constitute the vast majority of victims of GBV, and men the overwhelming majority of perpetrators (Watts and Zimmerman, 2002; Hester, 2009). GBV includes a continuum of behaviours and attitudes such as domestic violence, sexual violence, sexist harassment on the[…]
Find below the recordings of Dr Anna Bull’s lecture on Tackling faculty/staff sexual misconduct in higher education in the UK. The lecture was held at the International Conference „Beyond Fear and Silence: Universities against Violence“ (The Rectorate, University of Sarajevo, 6th and 7th May, 2022). During the two Conference days, over 70 Bosnian-Herzegovinian, regional and international scholars discussed gender-related issues in the field of higher education. In two days, and through 8 parallel panels, over 30 papers by authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia were presented.[…]
Find below the recordings of Ana Belén Amil’s lecture on Combating sexual harassment in Higher Education: Policy innovations. The lecture was held at the International Conference „Beyond Fear and Silence: Universities against Violence“ (The Rectorate, University of Sarajevo, 6th and 7th May, 2022). During the two Conference days, over 70 Bosnian-Herzegovinian, regional and international scholars discussed gender-related issues in the field of higher education. In two days, and through 8 parallel panels, over 30 papers by authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia were presented. Also, during[…]
Find below the recordings of Prof. Dr Kirsten Campbell’s lecture (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK) on violence as a feminist problem and producing knowledge on sexual and gender-based violence. The lecture was held at the International Conference „Beyond Fear and Silence: Universities against Violence“ (The Rectorate, University of Sarajevo, 6th and 7th May, 2022). During the two Conference days, over 70 Bosnian-Herzegovinian, regional and international scholars discussed gender-related issues in the field of higher education. In two days, and through 8 parallel panels, over 30 papers by authors from Bosnia[…]
In the course of May and June 2022, six educational workshops for non-teaching staff titled “Gender Mainstreaming Policies at the Organizational Units of the University of Sarajevo” were organised, as a part of the activities of the UNSA Gender Equality Council and the University Gender Resource Centre (UNIGeRC). These workshops were led by professors of the University of Sarajevo, members of the UNSA Council for Gender Equality. A total of 60 people from almost all UNSA organisational units received training. The 6th education was attended by representatives from the Music[…]
As a part of the activities of the UNSA Council for Gender Equality and the University Gender Resource Center (UNIGeRC), on Jun 6th education for non-teaching staff titled “Gender Mainstreaming Policies at the Organizational Units of the University of Sarajevo” were organised. The education was led by Prof. Dr Amila Ždralović, professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Sarajevo, member of the UNSA Council for Gender Equality. Representatives from the Faculty of Health Studies, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine with Clinics and[…]
Gender Equality in the Practice of Educational and Scientific Research Institutions was the title of the training held at the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade on Tuesday and Wednesday,7 and 8 June 2022, which was attended by representatives of partner institutions, participating in the UNIGEM project. Dr Luka Glušac, Assistant Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade, Dr Vladimir Mikić, Secretary General of the University of Belgrade, and Prof. Dr Zilka Spahić Šiljak, TPO Foundation Program Director from Sarajevo, greeted the guests.[…]
As a part of the activities of the UNSA Council for Gender Equality and the University Gender Resource Center (UNIGeRC), on Jun 13 education for non-teaching staff were organised. The fifth education was attended by representatives from the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Traffic and Communication. This education was led by Prof. Dr. Marija Lucic – Ćatić (Faculty of Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies UNSA) member of the UNSA Council[…]